Mailbag The white dude’s dilemma in championing diversity "As a white guy, is it my place to call out how my colleagues' diversity efforts could be better?"
Mailbag How to embrace vulnerability at work "My male cofounder made a weird comment, and I'm not sure I'm allowed to be upset."
Mailbag Not enough diversity at your startup? Champion inclusion through better policies "As the first pregnant woman at my startup, is it my job to create HR policies?"
Mailbag "Diversity" marketing that doesn’t suck "How are we supposed to recruit/market diversity… if we’re not very diverse?"
Mailbag “But I’m not offending anyone!” – Tips for those tough conversations "How do you give someone feedback about their non-inclusive behavior in a productive way?"
Mailbag The unspoken truth about what it takes to get promoted at a startup "I'm getting overlooked by the white, male leadership team. What do I do?"
Mailbag Help! I’m blocked by a hiring manager’s biases! "How can I recruit for diversity with a hiring manager who holds problematic views?"
Mailbag Whose job is it to D&I anyway? "How should startups reward / compensate internal D&I advocates?"
Mailbag To build inclusion, think big but start small "How do I work on D&I on my team if the leadership isn't supportive?"
Mailbag The pressure to be *the* Diversity Mascot "Did I f-up when I told a candidate too much about what it's really like being a minority at my company?"
Mailbag The hidden meaning behind candidates’ questions "How do I address tricky Qs from underrepresented candidates that I'm trying to hire?"
Mailbag Why product builders need D&I "How do I speak up if the product I'm helping build is making a D&I-related mistake?"
Mailbag Feeling like an impostor in diversity conversations “I’m a manager and I don’t know how to answer questions about D&I from my team. Help!”
Mailbag Obligated to D&I "As the only Black woman engineer on my team, how much should D&I be part of my job?"
Mailbag "But whyyy do we have to do all this diversity stuff?" "How do you address skeptics when you're trying to build for inclusion?"
Mailbag The point of no return "It is possible for a founding team of white men to build a diverse company?"
Mailbag The hardest part is starting "None of us have experience in Diversity & Inclusion, and to be frank, it’s all a little overwhelming."
Mailbag Music as a gateway to trust "My team is looking for D&I inspiration. Can you give an example of a successful inclusion initiative?"